Sunday, June 21, 2009

Book #6

Charmed Series

Whispers from the past

by Rosalind Noonan

In this story Prue, Piper and Pheobe are fighting a demon and somehow Pheobe gets taken centuries back into the past. Shortly after she arrives in the past a man named Hugh saves her and brings her to a lady's house where she later discovers to be her anncestor. Meanwhile back at home Prue and Piper are turning evil and they can't figure out why or where their long lost sister is at. How is pheobe going to get back to her time and how will Prue and Piper change back without the power of three? Find out and read this book.
This book was a very good book, but then I love the television series so I guess I'm a little bias. I have never read a book as fast as I read this one, in one day. I just couldn't put it down. Very entertaining. I would read the book and actually see the characters acting it out inside my mind. I loved loved this book. So worth it read.

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